March 7, 2010

Spring teaser....

Today was so fact, it was so nice we went to the zoo with the kids! The sun felt so warm and it was great to be outdoors without mitts and hats on!

Could spring really be coming our way??

I sure hope so because everywhere I look I see wonderful spring these Easter ones I found at the thrift store this week! I was also very thrilled to find the white ceramic cake stand but once I got home I noticed it has a definite LEAN to it!! lol Maybe that is why it was only $2. Oh well...I guess we will just say it adds to the character of the piece!
Oh...and I found these too, and I know they're  not spring-ish but I just liked them! lol That candle holder  is so heavy! I am not a huge fan of brass so I was thinking of giving it a nice coat of heirloom white....whatcha think? As usual, my hubby just rolled his eyes!

This weekend I have been working on a project involving this beast we picked up on Kijiji last fall:

...and no, I don't mean my super-cute kitty!! I will post some after pics later this week once I finish it up. I just need to finish adding the final touches...I am so excited!

Have an awesome week!

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