August 23, 2010

Seeing green

A few months ago my hubby and I 

went and picked up this sweet 

(but sadly neglected) 

spindle table.  

The previous owner was...

shall we say...

a HEAVY smoker. 

Needless to say this table spent 

some time airing out in the garage 

before I could go near it!!

I love the turned legs,

aged brass claw feet

with glass balls in them,

and I love the gentle curves 

of the table top.

However, the old paint can rings, 

smudges and blobs

have to go!!

Why would anyone do this to such 

a lovely piece of furniture?

So I gave this neglected table

 a good cleaning, 

sanding, and priming

and ended up with this:

Are you green with envy yet??

I love the fresh, cool green and it will 

look awesome in my living room 

once I finish working it!!

Only a week and a half and the kids 

are back to school so I will finally have 

more time to dedicate to that huge project!

I can't wait!

I am sharing this here:




  1. Very pretty - I do love green in almost any shade!

  2. How cute. I love the spindly legs on those tables. It looks great green. I painted a hutch green recently and my husband thought I was nuts, but I love the color.

  3. I love the green! It is so cute!

  4. What a cute, cute table! Green is my favorite color...especially lime...the sunflowers are gorgeous.

  5. Hi Karen, I'm visiting from Between Naps on the Porch. Do you know the name of that green? Is it spray paint? Beautiful job!

  6. Hi Marilyn...thanks for stopping by my blog. The paint color I used on the table and it is called "Bay Leaf" from Martha Stewart's Living new line. It is not quite as lime as it shows up in the photo, but it is such a pretty green and it goes on like a dream!! Thanks for leaving a comment and I hope you will drop by again.

  7. Why yes I am! Love, love the fresh green colour!

